About Sora Heading-01

Sora Vernikoff, #1 Amazon Best Selling and Award-Winning Author of her first book Eat What You Want! Stop When You Want!  A No-Diet, Weight is back again and is writing her latest book titled Think What You Want! Stop When You Want!  An Overthinker’s Guide to Stop Overthinking which will be out shortly.

Sora began her professional career as a school teacher in East New York, Brooklyn over 20 years ago.  She taught the first grade, the second grade and the fourth grade to the most challenging kids imaginable in an extremely difficult type of inner-city school environment.  Sora was tempted to quit teaching her first year but decided that she had studied to be a teacher and that she was going to find a way, however difficult it was to keep kids in their seats, out of trouble and learning.

It took Sora about five years “to get it.”  Sora came to realize that regardless of what was going on in front of her that she was the one that had to learn to control herself so that her students could learn by example. And that she did.

Now at the same time that Sora was learning to manage these very difficult kids she also struggled with her weight. She’d diet, take the weight off, only to find herself regaining it.  Then one day, while Sora was in front of her 4th grade class she asked herself, “Why can I manage these 35 kids who walk, talk and do all those other things but food which has no animate qualities, I can’t stop thinking about and I can’t keep it out of my mouth?”  That was Sora’s ah ha moment.  Sora decided to stop dieting, and eat the foods that she really wanted and journal every eating experience to find out why her mind worked the way that it did. As a result, Sora lost 25 pounds which she never regained. At that point Sora knew that she could transfer her classroom “management” techniques to food “management” techniques, developed an easy to use eat and stop yourself no-diet, weight-loss program which is the Program presently taught in her Best-Selling and Award-Winning book, Eat What You Want! Stop When You Want! A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program.

Now, at the same time, that this was happening Sora realized that similar to not being able to eat and stop herself, that she also couldn’t smoke and stop herself and couldn’t also stop her negative and self-doubting thoughts. So Sora used a similar “think and stop yourself” question and 2 similar “think and stop yourself” techniques to create a sister mind “management” program that would also allow her to stop smoking and immediately have the choice to stop negative and self-doubting thoughts.

Sora then went on to teach hundreds and hundreds of unhappy overthinkers and self-doubters how to manage those “repetitive” thoughts and how to have the choice to immediately let them go as soon as they arrived.  Her new book, Think What You Want! Stop When You Want! An Overthinker’s Guide to Stop Overdoing will teach the overthinker and the self-doubter how to make peace with those thoughts (and in some cases) with any attached behavior.

Sora teaches both sister mind “management” programs online and offline and has spoken on many leading media outlets about the choice to make peace with your thoughts saying, “If I did it, so can you!”


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